Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sprinkler Park

As a testament to how resilient little kids are, Little Squirrel was up at the crack of dawn – even though she and I both had taken the day off to “recover” after the dance recital. (Papa, the trooper that he is, went to work). We had Tea and Cracker, (and parents) over to our house to play, have lunch, and then all go to the sprinkler park. The kids ran around while the adults rested in a nice shady spot. The kids always have a great time and the area it is small enough that it is easy to keep them always in sight. Afterwards, Little Squirrel and I went home to take a nap and ended up missing soccer completely. Needless to say, Papa wasn’t too surprised when I called him and asked him to pick up dinner on his way home.

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