Thursday, April 3, 2008

Here goes nothing!

What the heck. Everyone else has a blog so why not me? Hopefully this will help us keep in touch with friends and family since that has been more and more challenging over the past four years. Hmm that seems to correspond with the birth of our child. Coincidence? I think not. Anyway, this won't be very profound and I will most likely have to squeeze in posts after everyone else has gone to bed but hopefully it will still be enjoyable.

At the request of my dear husband (DH) I will will refer to our darling daughter by one of her many nicknames, Little Squirrel. "Tea" is her dear friend who is the daughter of my dear friend and "Crackers" is Tea's little brother/another playmate of Little Squirrel (got all of that?). Just about everyone else should be self-explanatory...

If nothing else, watching me try to keep everyone straight should be very entertaining!

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