Sunday, April 5, 2009


Little Squirrel "adopts" the same animal at Animal Ark each year, Effie, an Artic Fox. As Animal Ark is only open April through October, we usually get a beautiful picture in the mail of Effie in the snow and then get to see a small white fuzzy dot trying to stay cool under the trees when we visit. This year, they had a special adoptive parent's day, very early and we were allowed to bring in treats for Effie.
There was still snow on the ground and it was very chilly so Effie was bright eyed and still shedding her winter coat when we arrived. Sarah Beth from Animal Ark fed Effie the hard boiled eggs and raw sweet potatoes and really made the day special. Effie was very animated and engaging (and so absolutely adorable that Papa wanted to take her home).
Little Squirrel was absolutely thrilled and got to learn a lot about her friend. Sarah Beth even gave her a little tuft of Effie's fur to take home. We will have to make sure that we visit on colder days from now on.

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